Aligning on structure

Systems and incentive structures enabling an organisation to deliver on purpose effectively

The Breathe approach enables companies to successfully fulfil their purpose while serving the needs of all stakeholders.

At Breathe, we facilitate the development of structures, such as incentive structures and role systems, to allow your company to best deliver on its purpose.

The structural changes we implement allow you to:

  • improve your company’s adaptability and scalability
  • learn and develop operational excellence
  • utilize creativity, initiative, and intelligence throughout your organization through distributed leadership
  • Increase satisfaction, engagement, and productivity within your company

We have extensive experience implementing and executing the holacracy governance structure. Holacracy is an overarching organizational system characterized by a distribution of power among purpose-driven self-organizing groups rather than the top-down authority.

Companies that successfully implement and execute holacracy principles experience various benefits, among which increased:

  • engagement, satisfaction, autonomy, and a sense of ownership of the people that work within their company.
  • utilization of opportunities for growth, initiative-taking, and entrepreneurship throughout all levels of their organization.
  • adaptability and resilience through improving decision makings speed and enhancing the quality of the decision-making process by using the integrative decision-making technique.

Holacracy is one of the systems to organize a company in a purpose-driven way, and it requires a great deal of commitment. Therefore we also offer other methods of structuring your company by applying certain essential principles without fully implementing holacracy.

Guiding principles for reward policy

At Breathe, companies benefit greatly from aligning incentives with purpose. We have designed a reward system accordingly. A company’s reward system should:

  • Support the company’s purpose and create value for all stakeholders.
  • Reflect changing contributions over time
  • Sense the needs of the organisation and respond to feedback
  • Foster team spirit and strengthen the culture of the company as an integrated entity
  • Promote fairness and transparency where all team members are involved and treated with respect, dignity and trust
  • Enhance the attraction of talent aligned with the company's purpose and values

Every company is unique and requires its own approach to operate effectively and efficiently. Yet, the underlying principles that guide the design of those structures are quite similar. When we work on the structure of companies, we co-create solutions with leaders and members within the organization.

The type of structures that an organisation needs always depends on the purpose of the organisation as well as its culture, governance and alignment with capital providers. To read  more about the Breathe Approach – Purpose, Governance, Capital and Culture – have a look over here.